The Washbutler

Warby Parker is a game-changing prescription glasses e-com giant that recently raised $100 million, valuing the company at $1.2 Billion. As a behemoth e-commerce company, mobile has naturally been on their radar.

Developing a Robust Mobile Platform

As the poster child of a successful web-based e-commerce company, the stakes couldn't be higher for getting mobile right. Which is why they turned to Fueled to lead the charge in creating a robust mobile platform.

Building a Mobile Team

Warby's world-class design and development team had little native mobile experience. After considering using freelancers, other agencies, or growing a team from scratch to handle mobile, they ultimately decided upon a hybrid approach.

Fueled would help accelerate the process by beginning core mobile development with their existing team to bring the first version of the mobile app to the store.

Leading the Charge

A pair of Fueled developers helped lead day-to-day mobile development while also establishing new internal systems and procedures at Warby Parker modeled off of Fueled's mobile dev best practices.

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